Our SEND provision
Really NEET is committed to providing outstanding support for students with SEND. Our provision is tailored to consider individual needs and aspirations. By supporting young people through education, we aim to equip our students with the skills that will promote their academic, social and emotional independence and prepare them for their next stage of adult life.
We aim to assess individual needs prior to the young person beginning their studies with us. Following discussion with the individual and their family, and in accordance with the reasonable adjustment’s guidance, we strive to have appropriate provision in place at the start of the new academic year. We have excellent relationships with Local Authority mainstream and special schools, independent schools, alternative education providers and pupil referral units. We maintain effective communication with key members of staff including SENCO’s, Careers Teachers, Social Workers, YOT and other support agencies.
Really NEET are keen to be invited to attend Key Stage 4 Education Health and Care Plan reviews. This gives us the opportunity to meet the young person and their family and develop an understanding of their individual needs prior to them starting with us. With the young person’s and parental consent, we can then begin to gather important information relating to their specific learning needs and the provision they need to access learning. It also helps us to start discussions with the individual and other professionals to begin planning a programme of transition that is personalised to individual need. We can arrange visits to existing schools, individual tours of our provision with students and parents, introductions to curriculum and pastoral staff, familiarisation visits and taster sessions. Where a student has not been in education for some time, we will work closely with the family to ensure a person-centred transition that is sensitive to the young person’s needs.
Special exam adjustments
During induction, assessments are completed for English and Maths. We also conduct Irlen Screening where necessary and dyslexia screening if there is an identified need. If a student has a learning difficulty, disability or medical condition that will cause them to be at a substantial disadvantage in exam or assessment situations, then we will assess the student. The information provided from these assessments or screenings will enable us to determine if an application can be made to the awarding bodies for special access arrangements such as a reader, scribe, prompter or extra time. If arrangements are approved this support will be arranged for all assessments and exams, including mocks. The support is provided by trained and experienced members of the Really NEET team.
Identifying Needs
All our students have Education, Health and Care Plans so our SEND Leads will work with individuals and families to talk through the plan and together will complete a person centred, One Page Profile that will identify the young person’s aspirations and support needs. If necessary, risk assessments, personal emergency evacuation plans and care plans will be completed.
Reviews and monitoring
Student progress is continually monitored, and the frequency of review is determined by the changing needs of the individual. In accordance with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014), EHC’s are reviewed on a least an annual basis. The review adopts a person-centred approach and we support our students to take ownership of their EHCP by reviewing the outcomes with each student every half term so they are aware of how they are progressing against each of their outcomes. With appropriate levels of support, the individual is encouraged to focus on preparing for adulthood and identify their long-term aspirations. Together we can then determine the long-term outcomes for their EHCP and identify the smaller targets they can reach to help them to achieve the overall outcomes.
Really NEET is proud of its inclusive approach to learning. Tutors work hard to deliver programmes that are differentiated to recognise the different learning styles and specific needs of our students, utilising assistive technologies to promote independence, whilst maintaining high standards of quality first teaching approaches. Tutors personalise their approach and provide additional or different resources to meet the varying needs of their students. In instances when students require a more personalised learning pathway they may be supported 1-1 offsite by our highly skilled team of offsite tutors. Our staff take time to get to know individuals and are attentive to individual needs. As part of wider curriculum our team model and reinforce the skills required to promote independence across academic, social and emotional aspects of learning.
When students need more specialist support we work closely with and take guidance from external professionals to ensure that the services we are providing considers all aspects of the students learning experience. We are committed to anticipating difficulties and providing the right support, at the right time, to support individuals to become equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and experiences to move confidently and with increasing independence into adult life.
Accessibility and Inclusion
Really NEET’s buildings are fully accessible. We have adjustable height tables and continue to work at improving our facilities to make them as user friendly as possible. Each site has a medical fridge for medication and key staff have had diabetes training to support our students particularly with Type 1 diabetes.
Staff Training
All Really NEET staff are dedicated members of our team who are highly qualified in their specialist areas, with significant knowledge and experience across all areas. On occasions when students have specific requirements that involve more specialised support, we work with the individual, their family and specialists from health, education and social care to ensure that relevant training is provided to staff prior to student’s entry. If necessary, enrolment may be deferred until any essential training is completed and the correct support is in place. Staff practices are reviewed throughout the year by means of observation and staff development reviews. Areas in need of development are identified and appropriate training is put in place. Really NEET is committed to the continual professional development of all its staff and ensures that mandatory training modules are completed regularly by all staff throughout the year. Really NEET has a team of trained First Aiders and all staff (including volunteers) complete Safeguarding and Prevent training annually.